:: Saturday, March 26, 2005 ::


ALL FOR ARTISTS: Skinless Capital: Neoliberalism and Resistance

A Collaborative Art Installation

Deadlline for initial proposals: April 8, 2005

SKINLESS CAPITAL will ask how artists and makers can resist neoliberalism’s conflation of economic and cultural values. OPENSOURCE Art and the Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory seek  artists and collaborators for a gallery-wide installation to open on April 30, during the Unit’s international conference, Fetishizing the Free Market: The Cultural Politics of Neoliberalism.

FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT http://opensource.boxwith.com/ OR EMAIL opensource@boxwith.com

Lesbian Foundation for Justice:


< unCON‚T.ained inFORMATION >

<:// an Internet-based forum of intellectual propositions, non-object art,

unactualized projects, and virtual ephemera >

Warning: The works chosen for this exhibition will be realized in a virtual sense only.

Protocol: The artists‚ concept will be presented on the Internet. The works may question notions of actuality, reality, and virtuality, challenge the supremacy of the art object, and examine the virtual as a realm of vital artistic practice. All forms of conceptual art, idea art, potential and hypothetical works, and web-specific projects will be considered for posting.

Please send proposal submissions to fort9@liminalprojects.org with Œuncontained information‚ in the subject heading, by March 25th 2005.

Archival:The project will be hosted permanently on http://www.fort9.net beginning in April of 2005. Fort9 is an interdisciplinary arts collective currently based in Victoria, BC, Canada.

These oppotunities were selected from the Redproject. Visit it to view their currently selected opportunities.
:: [+] ::
:: Thursday, March 24, 2005 ::
Deadline Coming Up


New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. is pleased to announce that with the support of the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, 5 net art projects will be commissioned for the Turbulence web site in a juried international (open to everyone) competition. Each commission will be $5,000 (US).

DEADLINE: March 31, 2005

GUIDELINES: http://turbulence.org/comp_05/

JURORS: Wayne Ashley (US), Arcangel Constantini (Mexico), Sara Diamond (Canada), Melinda Rackham (Australia), and Helen Thorington (US).
:: [+] ::
:: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 ::


esferas conformadas por palabras, redes de combinaciones semánticas. La riqueza de las palabras se encuentra en la forma en cómo se relacionan unas con otras. Bastan dos palabras juntas para desencadenar narrativa, reflexiones, teorías, arbitraridad, poesía, humor...

spheres shaped by words, a net of semantical combinations. The richness of words consists in their relations with one another. A single pair of words placed together is enough to create narrative, reflections, theories, poetry, humour, or even the arbitrary…

esferas conformadas por palavras, redes de combinações semânticas. A riqueza das palavras encontra-se na forma como se relacionam umas com outras. Bastando duas palavras juntas para desencadear narrativas, reflexões, teorias, arbitrariedade, poesia, humor...
:: [+] ::

Séptima edición de las Jornadas de Arte y Medios Digitales
Segundo Simposio ::
Prácticas de comunicación emergentes en la cultura digital ::
18 / 19 y 20 de AGOSTO 2005 :: Córdoba :: Argentina
Convocatoria a presentación de ponencias y paneles.
Esta convocatoria a ponencias se inscribe dentro de las actividades de las Séptimas jornadas de artes y medios digitales (edición 2005), promoviendo la reflexión sobre cuestiones que surgen en el cruce de arte, tecnología y comunicación.
El tema central de esta edición es arte, tecnología y política, puntualizando sobre las discusiones iniciadas en la pasada edición sobre la producción artística y la tecnología, hacia los efectos políticos de estas producciones con nuevos medios en el contexto en el cual se introducen y circulan.

:: [+] ::
Selected News

Gigs for those who want to play some more: Yahoo Inc. (YHOO.O: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Wednesday it will soon begin giving users of its free Web e-mail service 1 gigabyte of storage, four times more than it now offers, amid intense competition.

IBM gets on SPAM: Like other sender authentication protocols, FairUCE is aimed at stopping the "spoofing" of e-mail, the common practice by most spammers and all phishers of forging their From: addresses in an attempt to hide their whereabouts.

Microsoft finding some bumps in the EU: An EU official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said rivals of Microsoft had charged that the Windows version without the audio and video service might not work as well with other software. The EU antitrust office, however, said tests were still ongoing.

Google runs into trouble withthe French press. Apparently the search engine company did not respect authorship: On se souviendra que l'Agence France Presse (AFP) déposait jeudi dernier une plainte contre Google, car l'agence de presse estimait que le service de nouvelles Google News ne respectait pas les droits d'auteurs sur ses photos et ses textes (détails).

Yahoo Buys Flicker: Aujourd'hui, c'est la société Ludicorp Research & Development qui a annoncé officiellement, par la voix de son président, avoir signé un contrat de rachat avec le géant américain Yahoo. Une façon originale pour le moteur de recherche de souffler sa dixième bougie ? Il semblerait que non

Gmail is becoming much more popular than hotmail and Yahoo because of its simplicity: Entre 150 y 500 veces más amplio que sus rivales directos, rápido, simple, eficaz contra el 'spam' y, además, gratuito. A pesar de que todavía le faltan ciertos 'retoques' por estar en pruebas —etapa que probablemente durará de tres a seis meses—, el nuevo servicio de correo electrónico de Google, presentado públicamente hace sólo unas semanas, puede suponer una verdadera revolución en la Red. Que se preparen Yahoo! y MSN: su 'bestia negra' ya es una realidad.

Firefox burning throughout the rest of the world, including Latin America: Ahora, Microsoft enfrentará una nueva batalla, pues sus competidores buscan ofrecer ventajas que convenzan a los usuarios de bajar sus programas de la red; las ofertas van desde una mayor seguridad contra virus, menos ventanas de anuncios y la posibilidad de evitar fraudes de identidad. En este sentido, Firefox ha superado los 25 millones de descargas de Internet en 100 días, de acuerdo con la Fundación Mozilla, la comunidad de desarrolladores de software libre que creó el programa.

Panda bears in China will become part of a network (literary); 163 bears will have locative chips implanted for security: Los microchips de identificación se implantarán en los más de 163 osos panda gigantes que mantiene China en cautividad. El objetivo es facilitar la protección de esta especie en peligro de extinción y evitar la endogamia.
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:: Monday, March 21, 2005 ::
Brief recommendations

Pop-up Window curated by Abe Linkoln for Turbulence.org

Vector is a brand spanking new online journal, currently featuring writings of Katherine Hayles and Jenny Holzer amongst others.

c-e-n-t-e-r,focuses on experimental videos.

Glowlab is back for those critical minds.

Mute's new issue is out.


//cellBYTES was the first exhibition of mobile motion capture +
camera snaps by inter/national practitioners exploring the potential
of creative digital media content for the next generation of mobile

We invite you to submit to //cellBYTES V.02.

Deadline April 1, 2005.

Online: www.cellbytes.com
Email: cellbytes@cellbytes.com


Women in Action
Call for Articles for Women in Action (WIA) NO. 1-2005

Women in Action, a magazine published by Isis International-Manila,
covers a broad range of issues affecting women globally, but focuses on
the particular needs and concerns of women in the Global South. For its
next issue (1, 2005), Women in Action will feature the theme "Cultural

More information: korakora/
:: Eduardo Navas [+] ::
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