:: Saturday, June 14, 2003 ::

Tomorrow, Sunday the 15/06/03 at 9 pm UK time, 10 pm Rome, 4 pm New York, 1 pm California, and 6 am (Monday) Sydney, the "Electronic Literature Organisation" hosts a chat on the preservation of new media works.

"What Discussion on archiving [new media] outside of institutions: what private folks can do to preserve our creative e-legacy.

What are we talking about? While you can pick up - and read - a book from a century ago, reading new media works from a decade ago is hard to do, and getting harder. How can we as writers preserve our heritage of electronic literature and art?"

The chat has three special invited guests including Nick Monfort co-editor of the "New Media Reader" (2003, MIT Press) but is free for anyone to join in. Further information on how to participate can be found on the "Electronic Literature Organisation" website.
:: Garrett Lynch [+] ::
As our regular readers may be aware, our weekly features are usually updated on Saturday. This week the website will be updated on Sunday. So make sure to comeback tomorrow and check out our weekly features as well as the new resources that will be added to the New Media Fix.
:: Eduardo Navas [+] ::
:: Friday, June 13, 2003 ::
Newsgrist is a biweekly news digest. Here is the latest issue: newsgrist.net. (Check out the cool Spiral Jetty photos on the splash page.)
:: Eduardo Navas [+] ::
Ei is a new piece of soundsoftware by the Bulgarian soundartist Ivan Bachev. With Ei you can open a mp3 file from you hardrive, manipulate and record it, or in Bachev's words to "re"-"context"-plunder the file, so making something new from something old. Full information about Bachev's idea's of music, mp3s made with and a manual of Ei can be found at his site: http://nml.cult.bg/~bachev.
:: Peter Luining [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 12, 2003 ::
Tanja Vujinovic & Zvonka Simcic develop offline and online new media projects. Their website www.i-i-i-i.org offers detailed documentation of their collaborations as well as their respective artistic endeavors.

An offline performance worth mentioning is Sisi Dzakovich project, which consists of appropriated medical video footage of internal cameras traveling throught the inner parts of the human body, while performers play vacuum tubes to create an experimental music composition. This project was developed with ideas of "internal worlds," and aludes to gender issues.

Two online projects that bring the duo's aesthetic onto the web are Hardbody and Paused Hardbody. Both pieces present a series of sequential flash pages relying on mouse-overs to develop sound compositions. The works function much like animated collages as the movement is limited to simple loops. The first is overtly questioning the male gaze, while the latter presents a more abstract narrative.

What is to note in both online projects is the careful selection of images. Vujinovic and Simcic's syntagms create eloquent narratives which would not be effective if the pages were accessed as menu links. This online tendency may be influenced by the linear structure of their offline performances.
:: Eduardo Navas [+] ::
Turbulence.org is currently featuring Damali Ayo's Rent-a-negro. Net Art Review readers may remember Ayo's piece receiving quite a bit of attention around the net-art community a month or so ago when it was also reviewed on Net Art Review's log of 05/05/03.

:: Eduardo Navas [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 ::
Le semaine prochain Professor Alexei Shulgin va presente un cours a Ensba (Ecole Nationale Superieure de Beaux Arts) Paris, France sur le theme de "Art en réseau et production d'une rencontre en temps réel" en colaboration de "le Studio de recherche temps réel piloté par Dominique Blais à l'Ensapc, le Collège Invisible avec Paul Devautour, et l'Université Pirate, un projet de Vincent + Féria".

Alexei Shulgin, responsible pour de projects divers comme "Form Art", "FuckU-FuckMe" et "runme.org" est un artiste tres connu a tous qui est active dans le cadre de net.art et cette rencontre gratuit et ouvert a tout est PAS POSSIBLE A MANQUE si vous ete en Paris!!!

Pour plus de renseignements et pour enregistre votre inscription email - contreconference@free.fr
:: Garrett Lynch [+] ::
French netartist b-l-u-e-s-c-r-e-e-n became famous with his project "netartconnexxion", a copy of Rhizome's artbase that went online the same day as Rhizome went paid. His latest project is ipPainting. This work consists of an ever changing image based on the visitors IP address. For a extensive explanation of the whole project visit the project's url (click on the link above).
:: Peter Luining [+] ::
:: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 ::
Furtherfield's Networking party happening this Saturday (14/06/03) seems like it will be a worth while event to attend.

Taking place at the Deluxe, Hoxton Square, London, England and starting at 3pm going on till late the event is for "artists, thinkers, techies, entrepreneurs, transgressive types, scientists, musicians, performers, curators and critics".

There are no rules other than the uninvolved need not apply as all who attend "must be involved with a creative project and bring with them current documentation." For futher information and a listing of special guest speakers please see the website.
:: Garrett Lynch [+] ::
A few months ago, I watched the movie Scratch by Doug Pray. At one point in the film, DJ Shadow is interviewed and is asked about his obsession with collecting old records; he is simultaneously shown spending his time in a basement of a used record store finding materials for his world famous samples. As a result of his obsession, Shadow is known as 'the king of digging.' Many DJ lifestyles are built on serious music collecting; this is similar to a writer building her range of expression with book collecting.

Collecting links may be the same for net artists and net enthusiasts. And here is a chance to show off some of the best links from our personal collections:

"Call for Work: Adhocart.org linking project The current state of geo-politics and globalization highlights once again how the connections of our actions resonate and impact other peoples, beings and environments around the world. The Linking Project looks to individuals, with an open call, to trace, through the use of links, relationships that impact bodies of knowledge and how this information filters down to influence global outcomes. Use the links to trace information, construct information, or to exemplify. Use your links to challenge, criticize or celebrate. Please submit up to ten or so links in the form of an HTML page. Include a short description of the linking process or what your links accomplish. Include a brief bio. And optional email contact (for the HTML page.) All linking projects will be accepted. Deadline: August 1st, 2003"

For more information contact Andrew Bucksbarg
:: Eduardo Navas [+] ::
:: Monday, June 09, 2003 ::
When I first received the press release for Transcodex, my first inclination was to review it with my usual approach, but after spending a bit of time on the website, I decided that it is best at this point to simply recommend it. Here is an excerpt from the press release:

"Transcodex, is a project exploring the transcoding principle of computer media. Transcoding refers broadly to the ability of numerically encoded data objects to migrate and morph across traditional media divides, such as image/sound/text. It equally references the digitization of culture and society. This magical capacity is arguably the most radical, and perhaps disconcerting, aspect of new media. The project currently consists of several parts and will involve future phases."

Transcodex, features a great selection of net artists including well regarded contributors in the net field like Vuk Cosic, Mark Napier, Pall Thayer, Amy Alexander, among many others. Surfing through the selections will only result in time well spent investigating thoughtful and challenging material.
:: Eduardo Navas [+] ::
The following is a coference which might be of interest to some of our readers:

Culture and the Unconscious
Psychoanalysts, Artists & Academics in Dialogue
11 ~ 12 July 2003
School of Oriental & African Studies

The conference schedule is now available for download from the conference web page at University of East London

Elizabeth Cowie & Juan delGado "The Wound in the Image" - Friday 11 ( 2- 3.30 pm) Room 4
Registration forms and publicity materials are also available for download.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change, although we will of course attempt to keep any alterations to a minimum.

:: Eduardo Navas [+] ::
E.G.ø, alias Enrico Glerean, è un musicista, programmatore, performer, veneziano, classe '77, attivo tra Padova, un paese vicino Venezia, e Roma, che da anni si interessa alla manipolazione del suono, ( il suo primo strumento è stato, un organo Bomtempi, molto in voga tra i bambini italiani negli anni ottanta). e dell'immagine. Utilizzando chiaramente e inequivocabilmente la macchina quale strumento cardine dalla sua ricerca.
E.G.ø è quindi contaminato da Cage, dalla cultura underground, da tutta quella che è l’idea di assimilazione dell’assemblatore, del contemporaneo DJ, da Warhol; uno sperimentatore e citazionista, che altera il reale, seguendo un preciso disegno altamente poetico.
Per lui la macchina sostituisce completamente l'artista, e diventa protagonista della creazione, non c'è distinguo che tenga seguendo una sindrome poetica attenta a tutte le impercettibili variazioni dell'esistenza naturale ed emozionale. Ricompone e decompone, assembla, e riflette anche sulla sua identità, e su quella degli altri, come sulla possibilità di cambiare i codici di riferimento. E' particolarmente affascinato dall'ipotesi di trasformare le immagini in suono e partecipa a questo proposito a On How A Picture Can Sound con un mp3 scaricabile on line.
La sua prerogativa è anche quella di agitare e miscelare in eguali parti il suono dato dalla tecnologia e il suono naturale , inteso quale suono della natura “viva e pulsante”. La natura non artificiale è quindi per lui egualmente un serbatoio al quale attingere . Così campiona ovunque, e si aggira come un fonico che seleziona la realtà in presa diretta. Un suono che egli utilizza per creare le sue riflessioni tra "sound art e net art" come anche una sniffata nella rete per creare altre identità, identità alterate.
Il ritratto come anche l'autoritratto sono inoltre dei riferimenti di analisi molto spesso navigati da EGO, che quindi appare affascianto dal' individuazione e analisi della personalità. Una personalità logicamente decomposta, nel vissuto contemporaneo, che lo porta a lavorare su se stesso, come Audio-Self Portait. Un autoritratto dato da un immagine di sé che è diventato suono, una musica realizzata assemblando, care basi musicali, le cosiddette colonne sonore della propria vita e suoni naturali campionati dal suo giardino per l’appunto.
Anche Resonating Mary è un interessante lavoro di contaminazione audio, creato per una serata evento al TPO di Bologna, per Space is still a place, il gennaio scorso,
una riflessione nella quale lavorando sulla memoria ha voluto rendere omaggio alla storica cantante Mary degli Stereolab, gruppo che cita a sua volta i Velvet Underground, dove la chitarra elettrica suona con la voce della Jansen stessa.
Sino ad arrivare all’ultimissima e interessante serie degli Untitled Html paintings, 13 "dipinti", nei quali il computer si sostituisce al pennello del pittore e ricrea deframmentando personalità evocative quali, Mondrian Html, Orange and Yellok, "un estratto" della pittura di Rothko, Itten, Dripping, riflessione su Pollock, Crows over Field pensando a Van Gogh, per poi agire anche in Random Abstraction, dove EGO risucchia dalla rete quello che gli interessa e lo altera, lo deforma seguendo quello che la macchina oltretutto gli propone, oppure Sunset over the Ocean, stavolta una proeizione della natura.
Adesso è sempre in Italia nel progetto curato da Marco Senaldi, Cover Theory, L'arte contemporanea come re-interpretazione, e moltissimi altri, tra cui DJ Spooky aka Miller, con Resonating Mary, con contributi di varia origine sino al 29 giugno all'Officina della Luce a Piacenza. Non possiamo dimenticare Water recordings che lui ha realizzato presentato da Valentina Tanni a Distillerie clandestine, in FestArte, in un lavoro sonoro nel quale ha lavorato mischiando il suono dell'acqua di Venezia, città alla quale è legato a doppia mandata, a quello del mare del Brasile, del Piave, e di altri suoni acquatici che aveva sentito e prelevato per l'occasione dalla rete.
Attualmente sta lavorando con Pennacchio Argentato per un'installazione sonora che andrà in mostra al progetto RADAR (una delle mostre "extra 50") a Venezia alla Giudecca in occasione della Biennale di Venezia , inaugurazione l'11 giugno prossimo alle ore 21;00 p.m. Non esclude una definitiva dipartita nel nordeuropa o a NY come mi dice in e-mail.

Francesca De Nicolò
Il sito di E.G.ø è

:: francesca denicol? [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 08, 2003 ::
Peter Luining's L-foundation has just re-released, this time free to download, what was formally a cd-rom released in 2000 of 12 standalone sound engines made in director for mac and pc. The project entitled "Research" is a collection of experiments with sound, form and movement which has been exhibited at both EMAF in Osnabruck and the Sonar Festival in Spain.
:: Garrett Lynch [+] ::
This is an open call for works (Deadline: 13/06/2003) to take part in the "pabellón dedé", a project created and curated by the artists LeLE & casares aka _losmachín_ aka _latinolovers_ as part of the "festival observatori 2003".

"The pabellón dedé is a clear homage to dadaism, and in the same way that everyone knows that dadá means nothing, neither does dedé; although we could regard it as an abbreviation of «disco duro» («hard drive»), «digital dipsomania», «dematerialized diffusion», «divergent diversion» and many other pairs of word combinations beginning with the letter d.

The pabellón dedé will exhibit integrally digital works: dd photography, dd computer graphics, dd video art, dd local (software.art and client-side interactive works), dd web.art, dd net.art, dd vivo (shows with whatever source of a digital nature).

All the above will be placed in the reach of people by a supplier database grounded in a hard drive: since pabellón dedé will exhibit everything that can be stored in our hard drive."
:: Garrett Lynch [+] ::
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