::NET.TEN:: \\Online Selections// Mai 2005: Annie Abrahams
I have always been a fan of sowana, the chatbot expert on art. Because De Geuzen wanted to talk to Guy Debord (aka the Guru of the Spectacle) about the current state of affairs in the world they made a chatbot called 'guy'. Here is the source code for if you want to make an interesting bot too. http://www.geuzen.org/guy/media/seance.txt
The beautiful interactive entertaining video story http://www.unautreoeil.com/allstars/ is made by David Marsalone, not a net artist. His words, not mine.
Zohar Kfir a video artist from Tel Aviv, currently based in NYC made a very impressive interactive video web piece. http://www.zzee.net/execute.html Execute.
GWEI, a regularly updated site on new marketing, digital pr and e-business is made by Hans Bernhard (coined super-internet-pop-star by Olia Lialina). Don't miss his daily psychotropic Drugs & Food Blog. http://www.hansbernhard.com/hansbernhardblog

In 1993 Heath Bunting stuck 7300 Sheets of A4 with the text "Is it possible that our obsession with sex is due to our alienation from nature by our technology ?" to a rock face. In 2005 he brings us: "Projects for sale"! http://www.irational.org/cgi-bin/cv/projects/sale_price.pl

Time and life is passing by. The Doorman 'web film' by Reiner Strasser. http://nonfinito.de/doorman/ Take your time. I like to watch this late at night.

"The project is part of his philosophy of rehabilitating others bonehead investments by showing that, in reality, they aren't boneheaded at all." is writing YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES about Takuji Kogo's project U.S MILITARY BASE IN OKINAWA ! WE SELL WE BUY. "Wow, that's selflessness on a global scale." http://www.trans.artnet.or.jp/ transart/index.html . Candy Factory Projects are good!
Dyske Suematsu, the creator of Dyske.com, the creative think tank on the web, is also introducing us to the grey areas in English language expertise. http://www.painintheenglish.com/

Abe Linkoln, working on screenfull.net with Jim Punk, made a list of syllabi made by famous net artists teaching: "Net art: those who can't teach, do". His net.art stats show is called : A thousand plateaus. http://www.linkoln.net/stats/

"On the left side of the screen is an amazing fairyland of birdies and dinosaur bones and treasures, and on the right side of your screen is me blathering about net art. Good grief." writes Michael Connor about the beautiful page design by Dragan Espenschied for his Raiders of the Lost ArtBase show for Rhizome. For those not member of Rhizome I made a copy http://www.bram.org/rhizome/Raiders of the Lost ArtBase.htm

Recommendations by Annie Abrahams http://www.bram.org Being Human / Etant Humain. Low-tech mood mutators and interrogations on communication. Not immersive.

Contributions/Questions: editor@netartreview.net